Prof. Bromberg Introduces Pitt in Sicily Students to 360° Photography

Dr. Bromberg with Pitt students at Morgantina, Sicily (May 2017)

During the spring of 2017, Classics Professor Jacques Bromberg worked with colleagues from Pitt's Center for Teaching and Learning to develop new ways of assessing student work for his month-long study abroad program in Sicily. 360° photography emerged not only as a unique pedagogical tool that could enliven traditional on-site student presentations, but also as an effective outreach tool that could both inform and delight friends, family, and future students. In addition to giving a 10-15 minute on-site presentation to the "Greek Archaeology" class last summer, each Pitt in Sicily student also produced, edited, and posted a brief (1-3 minute) 360° video introducing a Sicilian site or monument. You can read more about the projects, and find a link to all 15 videos by clicking here.

Faculty: Read about how 360° photography can enrich your teaching